Looxie is a location-based photo request app, perfect for lovers of photography, travel, and, for some reason, whitefish ceviche.

Looxie, my flagship Android app, is featured on the Product Hunt front page on Christmas Day!

It’s a Christmas miracle. Probably.

Antonis Tsagaris
2 min readDec 25, 2020


Ho, ho, ho, everyone.

Santa (or Satan, can’t be sure) got me something special this season. Apparently, I was a good boy (I have to admit that I did brush my teeth twice a day and killed practically no one in 2020) so I deserved it.

Here’s how it happened: since I’m a total doofus as far as launches go, I just went and nonchalantly posted Looxie on Product Hunt about a week ago. As was expected, after it got a couple of votes, it sank into the pitch-black abyss of the Newest tab, from whence not even James Cameron could salvage it (I asked politely, and he still told me to fuck off. Must be pretty pissed off that Avatar 2 is in development hell)

However, it seems like a super-influencer with front page posting privileges on Product Hunt (trust me, I have no idea who) seemed to have taken a liking to it, and they did what Cameron couldn’t: they relaunched the app on Christmas day, ie. today, as this is being written.

So, with no time to really Formulate a Launch Strategy™ I decided to go on a posting spree on Facebook, Twitter, and, why not, here!

So, here it is. The link to Looxie’s Product Hunt page.

If you’re into photography and travel, I’m pretty sure you’re going to love the app, so go ahead and check it out. Only Android, for now, I’m afraid, but an iOS app is coming soon!

This is how it looks:

