Daily Midjourney Prompts, issue 1

A daily (or near-daily) series of my favorite Midjourney prompts

Antonis Tsagaris
2 min readOct 1, 2022


In this new series, I’ll be sharing with you some of my favorite images generated by Midjourney, and the prompts I used to create them.

You should keep in mind that many (most, actually) of these images were the result of many iterations on the original results using the Variations functionality of Midjourney. You know, those V1, V2, V3 and V4 buttons under the generated images. Also remember that using the same prompt as I did won’t give you the same results as mine.

Finally, you may notice many elements described in the original prompts missing from the final images. That’s because they were either never there (hey, AI’s not perfect) or because they were removed during the iteration process.

With that out of the way, let’s take a look at some images.

Image 1: Splendor

Prompt: green field in the spring with scattered very colorful. flowers in papercraft style, origami hedgehogs running in the field and origami butterflies flying in the sky, bright, cheerful, colorful, halftone — test — creative — upbeta

Image 2: Rockets

Prompt: a rocket flying towards the moon in the style of maurice sendak

Image 3: Horrorween

Prompt: scary horror cartoon full moon and a hand coming out of the ground, horror, cartoon fifties style — test — creative — upbeta

Discussion welcome

If you want to ask me anything about these images, or any other facet of AI art, don’t hesitate to do it in the comments.

